How Best to Support Women in Community with Other Women
When have I been most satisfied in life?
I would have to answer when I’ve been in community, serving women in the name of Christ. I have served in both formal and informal ways over the years. No matter my circumstances, God has faithfully brought exceptional women into my life. I believe all women are exceptional as their supreme value is based on the truth that they have been created in the image of God.
I put the following core values together as a baseline or starting point for anyone who wonders how to get started in supporting women in Christian community in a more formal way, and then for anyone who just wants to get a basic idea of how and where to begin.
Photo by Priscilla Du Preez
A Dedication to Purpose
Our purpose is to lead women to salvation in Christ and growth in Christ-likeness.
A Dedication to Scriptural Authority
The Bible is the inspired Word of God. We are committed to equipping Christian women through the teaching of God’s Word, to follow Christ in every sphere of life.
A Dedication to Prayer
Women committed to pray without ceasing as their sisters in Christ seek to know God in a deeper and more intimate way.
A Dedication to Women
God works through women, and each woman, as part of the body of Christ, is unique in her giftedness and vital to God’s plan.
A Dedication to Relationships
Building relationships is indispensable to spiritual birth and spiritual growth, and through this encouragement, these relationships can help enable women to be all God intends them to be.
A Dedication to Creativity and Innovation
While the message is timeless, our methods adapt to those we are here to serve. We encourage creativity and innovation, flexibility, and adaptability. We are more concerned with fostering healthy community than adherence to tradition.
A Dedication to Quality
In everything we do, we will seek to achieve and maintain a high standard of excellence to the glory of God.
A Dedication to Unity, Love, and Forgiveness Among Believers
Our community will be impacted for Christ by love and unity amongst the women.
The bottom line is this: Whether a community of women begins formally or informally, Christian community should be where women find life, encouragement, and support. It’s a place where they can be real, authentic, and vulnerable. They hopefully will feel cared for, looked after, and loved. Kindness and compassion towards one another should rule the day.
Does all this sound like a tall order to you? It could be … but we have God’s love and compassion to guide us. And when we uphold others in Christian community, it’s actually God’s way of doing so himself. It’s His way of showing His kindness, mercy, love, support—the very things we give to others through Him.
In my experience, Christian community with other women is worth pursuing. You will meet new people, share what God is doing in your life, and gain the blessings of long-term relationships—valuable treasures often hard to find these days.
Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing. —1 Thessalonians 5:11
Won’t you join me in this worthwhile pursuit?